You can log a flight in 2 ways from the iPhone app.
Press the + sign in the upper right corner and you are presented with 2 alternatives.
Add new log and Log with GPS Track.
Chosing Add new log will present you with a log screen simular to the one online, simply enter the flight information and hit save in the upper right corner.
With the iPhone app you can now track your flight using the GPS.
Chose "Log with GPS Track" and hit "Start Log" and the phone will start collecting data during your flight, information about location heading and speed will also appear on the screen during the flight.
When the flight has ended, hit "Stop Log" and you will be redirected to the "Add new Log" screen, enter the rest of the information and hit save.
The route will now be visable on a map when you look at the flight online.
You edit a flight by selecting a flight and hit "Edit Log" in the upper right corner.
Change the information you want and hit Save.
Note: GPS data will ofcourse not be lost if you are editing a flight with GPS Track.
You can Delete a flight by swiping to the right on a flight and press the red "Delete button". As shown below.
Note: The flight will be deleted permanently along with any GPS Track connected to it. This can not be reversed.
Under papers you can see all your entered papers and their expirations.
The green / red bar to the right show you if the paper is synced with your online account or not.
Sync manually by pulling down the page.
Automatic syncs are also made everytime you enter the app.
Note: Synchronization requires internet connection.
Adding paper is done by tapping the Plus button in the upper right corner.
Enter paper name, paper type and expiration and click Save.
You can upload a hardcopy to your paper by taking a photo with your camera or chose from iPhone library.
Papers with a hardcopy are marked with a little paper-symbol to the left of the status-text.
Lists your added aircraft and add new ones.
To add aircraft click the upper right plus button.
Note: This requires internet connection.
From here you activate / deactivate the different log colums so that you customize your log book with what you want to log.
Flights with a specific column will not dissapear even if you deactivate it here, it will still be editable in those flights where the type have been logged.